Zur Produktinformation


Sit back relax and enjoy a unique magical experience.

Welcome to the world of Mel Mellers, where he discusses bad music, awkward audience members, Daviddaports Magic Shop, fashion mistakes and 8 Brand New Routines!

There are two live shows featured, complete with all the usual gags and bits and pieces that make this a laugh out loud experience. Show one is a lecture performance featuring eight brand new routines (never before explained) used by Mel in his live work. As a bonus, show two is a performance before a live theatre audience using previous material from his other DVDs. This features new gags and stories that we know you'll just enjoy watching with family and friends. All the routines will cost little or no money to make and most will already be part of your magic collection.

Featured routines include:

The Linking Things -
Mel's take on the Linking Rings, which, as expected is far from the usual Three Ring Routine used by most magicians. Funny and absurdly different!

The No Switch Switch Pad - A superb and cheap alternative to The Switch Pad. Make this yourself as it uses a regular un-gimmicked pad that will save you money!

The Davindaport Indian Rope Trick - A brilliant opener using the standard rigid rope plot. Five minutes of solid laughs and the perfect opener.

Knife-Throwing Act - Laugh aloud as Mel finds a chosen card impaled by a razor sharp knife! Cheap and easy to make. Again a solid laughter filled routine that you will use!

Newsforecast - A superb mind-reading routine that packs small and plays BIG! Very easy to do and best of all it requires no special props or gimmicks

Thumb Stuff - Mel discusses the special way in which he uses the Thumb Writer and how to give it a bigger impact. Brilliant stuff.

All that I Own - A great routine in which Mel gambles all that he owns on the choice of a key! The best just chance routine EVER. Packed with laughs and great magic.

Silk Thru Microphone Stand - Mel's take on a classic trick. Complete with full routine and gags along the way, see how Mel makes this a standout closer to his show!

Stage Show (performance only) features new gags and bit and pieces that you will use and includes:

Mel's signature Bank Note Routine

The Arm Chopper


Running Time Approximately: 2hr 30min


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