Zur Produktinformation


The first real-looking "linked rubber bands" that you can give away (permanently linked) as a souvenir to the spectator.

Let them choose two single and ungimmicked rubber bands and instantly link them visually together in front of their eyes. The preparation is absolutely undetectable to the naked eye. A souvenir that they never ever will forget.

Detailed and professional instructions shot in HD quality. Over 80 minutes of explanations, live footage, close-up and over-the-shoulder shots, and extremely detailed instructions. Learn the strong 3 phase routine of Rasmus's take on the Crazy Man's Handcuffs. Learn the strong moves and subtleties in a couple of days and bring your CMH to the highest level.

Also included: Rasmus's take on the Torn and Restored Rubber Band. You will also learn a unique way of doing the Jumping Rubber Band that will fool your spectators and also magicians. Band Through Wrist is a very crazy and new effect, out of the brain of Rasmus. One rubber band jumps from your wrist to the wrist of your spectator. So powerful and strong it will leave your spectator speechless. Rasmus explains a strong presentation of the Rising Ring on Rubber Band that the audience will never forget. One more effect is the Rubber Band Through Ring. Quick, easy, and strong magic.

As a bonus, Rasmus reveals to you a perfect way of showing two linked bands as two single ones. This move has never been taught before. One band penetrates the other band in a completely visual fashion. And finally, as a super special bonus, Dan Harlan's Crazy Twist Vanish. One band magically melts into another band and disappears. It looks like trick photography. You are left with just one rubber band and an amazed spectator.

All effects are very visual and powerful. Everything on the video is easy to learn and explained in full detail with very clear footage quality that will help you to see and understand every detail super-fast and easy.


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