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In the world of magic and mentalism, there are principles and tools that have been explored for centuries and for which there is a wealth of material. There are, however, some principles that get very little attention but are so fascinating that the real mystery is why there is very little material using it.

David Devlin of AMG Magic has been studying and exploring a little-known principle called The Redistribution Principle. This is a very interesting concept that gives the audience total control of the proceedings. The outcome is truly under their direction, and yet the performer is able to predict the outcome well in advance and with 100% accuracy. This is not even remotely the same as Equivoque or other forces because it isn't a force at all. The audience really does decide everything and yet your prediction is right every single time!

This book gives you four routines that use The Redistribution Principle as its underlying method. They also employ other principles such as the Gilbreath Principle, a seldom seen false shuffle from Martin Lewis, a subtle switch, and some mathematical principles to help bury the main method so deeply that even mentalists and magicians who know The Redistribution Principle will be fooled!


Brainstorm: A set of three small envelopes, each containing a prediction, are laid out in a row. The spectator shuffles a deck of ESP cards and makes a number of face-down piles consisting of three cards each. He then selects any pile. The other cards are gathered up and shown to be made up of different arrangements and symbols. The cards are then placed in a row under the envelopes. The spectator is now instructed to completely rearrange the cards. When he has finished, the envelopes are opened and the predictions are absolutely correct. Not only were the ESP cards matched up with the correct envelopes, but the ESP cards freely chosen are correct as well!

Brain Scam: Move over Three-Card Monte! There is a new bad-ass kid in town, and his name is Brain Scam! This mind-blowing routine can be used either as an actual bar/street scam or as a demonstration of clever mentalism.

Three-Mind Monte: A chair test with a purpose followed by a self-working Three-Card Monte routine with a mental flavor, and the spectators are the ones "tossing the cards." This is a great routine for stage performances and no one is made to feel like a loser as in many Monte routines!

Kill Bill: Three envelopes are introduced; the contents of which are unknown for the moment. The envelopes are laid out in a row according to the direction of a spectator. Once the envelopes are in place, the audience is told that each envelope contains money; two bills per envelope. The envelopes are opened, but only one of the bills is removed from each, which are the placed below its envelope. The audience is told that the other bills are going to be left in the envelopes and are going to be used later as predictions.

Two spectators now rearrange the bills to their desire. The other bills are then removed from their envelopes and all the predictions match!

A really great thing about the effects in this book is that they are all nearly self-working!

"I have become quite enamored of the underlying principle that is explored in this manuscript and was very pleased to see this work being made available. David has some lovely touches and some very interesting subtleties that I am quite certain those who have explored this principle will find to be of great interest. This is practical material and very much worth checking out."
- Mark Strivings

Download the eBook and perform these great mentalism effects!


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