Zur Produktinformation


"The Siesta Control is so causal and fair that it's sure to fool anyone. It's been one of my favorite controls for the last few years. What Jafo is offering here is excellent. His study and teaching of the move is both thorough and valuable."
- Brent Braun, The Magic Firm

"Already got more than my money's worth. And I've been doing the move for more than a decade."
- Cody Fisher (No, the other one)

Passion projects are the best projects with The Mexican Turnover: Reborn, you're going to develop your own passion for this classic move.

With this project, you'll have instant access to my 20-page eBook, professionally laid out, with full-color images. The classic Mexican Turnover is presented in two ways with a modern approach. Then you'll discover three very unique applications that will have you wanting this move in your own routines.

PLUS, I've produced 11 video modules that accompany the notes and explain everything in great detail.

Think you know the Mexican Turnover? Well get ready to fall in love with it all over again!

"Jafo just dropped this amazing project - learn this classic move with some fantastic touches, and original applications"
- Robert Moreland

"Jafo does an excellent job in explaining this! This move is so so so deceptive. I can't wait to have it fully down so that I can add it into my routines! One of the best purchases I have made in awhile!"
- Patrick Adams

"First, just a quality produced product. Excellent video. His descriptions are the best ever. You can do what he says and the effect actually happens! Literally fooled myself a couple of times! Fabulous!"
- Marcus Duke

Download now!


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