Zur Produktinformation


"Between Johannes' Breaking Point and his brilliant new effect, I now have a powerful, realistic and shocking close up set I can do at a moment's notice with nothing on me but a single coin. I highly recommend this release!"
- Dee Christopher (Star of BBC's Killer Magic)


A rare magic trick that people will genuinely believe is REAL.
A magic trick that has this kind of IMPACT are far and few between.
A magic trick, where you have to do so little to achieve such a shocking effect is even more rare!


Producing a coin out of an eye has been done before, but NEVER like this. Johannes has taken the realness of this effect to a completely new level:

1. A spectator can feel the coin under your eye WITH THEIR OWN FINGER!
2. They can see the coin slowly popping out of your eye with NO FINGER MOVEMENTS!


No gimmicks.
Completely impromptu.
Easy to do.
Long and short routine.
50 min detailed tutorial.
Unlimited email and video call support from Johannes personally!

It IS a magic trick, so it should be needless to say it, but you wouldn't be the first magician thinking or asking this, so here's the answer:
NO, the coin is not in your eye and yes, it's totally safe to perform.


I've just finished watching Johannes' EYEPOPPER and my mind is blown - this is one of my new favourite impromptu effects!

The method is a killer and the detail Johannes offers in the download is second to none.

I laughed out loud when I learned the secret and I can't wait to see people's eyes pop out of their heads as they witness me popping coins out of mine!


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