Zur Produktinformation


The Social Prediction has fooled the best minds in mentalism and now Debjit has finally decided to share it with the magic community. The video and PDF cover 2 revolutionary impromptu techniques to predict ANYTHING weeks, months, or even years, in advance!

Imagine asking someone to think of ANYTHING. They open your Facebook profile from THEIR phone and see that you had already predicted it MONTHS ago!

The effects can be performed live or over phone calls, messages, Skype and radio. They can also be used to predict the winners of the World Cup or ANY event on social media. And it's the best way to promote your Facebook page!
  • Perform impromptu anytime, anywhere
  • Spectator can check the prediction from any smartphone (Android, iPhone), computer or tablet
  • No gimmicks, voice recognition device, special software or apps
  • No sleights, fishing, forcing or dual reality
  • You only need a smartphone (Android, iPhone), computer or tablet to perform
What you receive:

- HD video of 35 minutes covering 3 methods, 4 live performances and 10 presentation ideas
- 2019 updated video
- PDF guide book
- Access to the private Facebook group
- 24/7 support from the creator

Once you learn The Social Prediction, you'll be performing it for the rest of your life. And because it's so easy and impromptu, you'll be turning to it anytime you need a knock-out mentalism effect.

Get The Social Prediction today.

"I LOVE effects that are impromptu in the real world. The Social Prediction is the PERFECT MODERN MIND BLOWER! I PREDICT you will love it."
- Rich Ferguson

"Finally Facebook isn't a waste of time! What you're getting is a tool. An awesome tool to perform effects that are not only AMAZING, but will get you booked and direct people to your social media."
- Jon Armstrong

"Predict anything AND promote your personal page? I'm definitely interested."
- Shaun Dunn

Download The Social Prediction and amaze everyone!


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