Zur Produktinformation


The short video performance on this page is a true and accurate recording of exactly what your audience and also those participating in this ACAAN (Any Card At Any Number) experiment will perceive and witness when you perform this remarkable routine.

Perhaps even more importantly, it is how all those participating in the trick and also those watching it will remember it and relate the miracle they have witnessed to other people.

For the record, the person in the video is just a customer of the restaurant during our filming. As you can see, he is genuinely stunned and amazed at the impossibility of his merely thinking of a card that was then located at his randomly chosen number.

Absolutely no pre-show work is required, no stooges (instant or otherwise) and no secret cueing, complicated memory work or difficult sleight of hand is involved at any time.

Any deck of cards can be used and, indeed, this routine can easily be presented completely impromptu immediately after being handed a borrowed and thoroughly shuffled deck. The outcome will always be a seemingly true miracle when you follow the instructions to the letter.

One person merely thinks of any playing card that comes into their mind, and they keep it secret to themselves. Another person names out loud any number from 1 to 52.

The number is used to count down that many cards in the deck. This is done by an audience member and not by the performer.

Only when the card located at the randomly chosen number does the other person name the card they were merely thinking of.

They are then asked to turn over the face down card that was located at the randomly chosen number. To everyone's utter astonishment, it is the exact card that was merely thought of and not named until now.

During the included 28 minutes of training videos, you will also be taught several other ways to achieve both this same outcome and also a more conventional ACAAN.

Download this video and learn this incredible effect!


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