Zur Produktinformation


Drink your fill of 10 hyper-visual effects all done with an everyday organic object! In this refreshing new project, the geniuses behind "Envy-Lope," Brandon David and Chris Turchi, share secrets hidden inside every straw wrapper.

Here's just a taste what you'll discover:

STRAW THROUGH BILL/RECEIPT A straw punctures a borrowed bill or receipt, and is visually pulled right through the very center. The straw is pulled cleanly through without any marks or tears on the receipt/bill. Both objects can be immediately handed out and inspected.

Torn and Restored Wrapper: A straw wrapper is torn to reveal the straw inside. With a wave, the magician can heal the torn wrapper and hand the straw out for inspection. Sure, this is probably the most useless super-power ever, but the effect is AMAZING!

Torn and Restored Straw: A straw is torn into two parts, one in each of the magician's hands. With a simple toss, the torn straw is now made whole!

Moving X: The magician draws an X on a straw with a Sharpie. Slowly and visually, the X begins to travel down one end of the straw to the other. The straw can then immediately be handed out and inspected by the spectator.

Straw through Straw: A ultra-visual penetration of two straws. Melt a straw through another or just cleanly pull it through in one motion. This one, you've got to see to believe!

You'll learn all these effects, plus more!

With a nearly 2-hour deluge of expert instruction taught by Chris Turchi and Brandon David, there's something here for everyone - from beginner to the advanced, from the mentalists to the magicians, and even social media performers!

Quench your thirst for visual organic magic with Project Straw! You'll be lovin' it!

Download the video and start learning!


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