Zur Produktinformation


"RUN don't walk to get Paul's e-book. If you want to learn USABLE, REAL WORLD magic, then look no further! The effects and plots are well thought out, straight forward, and very clever...'Lelekis Style'...AND it's only $8.00...a steal!! Highly recommended!"
- Bob Solari

5 Powerhouse Routines are included in this eBook! Also included are 5 videos to make everything crystal clear.

The introduction is worth the price of the entire e-book. Paul teaches many salient points for improving your performances. He teaches how to use patter and actions to provide your spectators with that "warm fuzzy" feeling. Move your magic to another level!

Paul also teaches you how to turn bad situations into great ones. His advice will teach you how to take advantage of situations and comments, impromptu, made by your spectators, to turn your performances from good ones...into GREAT ones and how to recognize these situations in other tricks.

All actions and patter are provided for a seamless performance. Included with this e-book are 5 videos by Paul, explaining four excellent passes and a cull.

TELEPATHIC FOUR ACE REVERSE - The spectator chooses any four-of-a-kind and these four cards are placed in obviously four different places in the spread deck. The spectator then uses "her magic" - with no moves - to make that four-of-a-kind, gather together in the center of the deck - REVERSED!

GRAVITY - This is a FANTASTIC effect! Three selections are chosen and then placed into three different places in the deck by the three spectators. One at a time, all three selections are "captured" by the face-up Jacks with no apparent manipulation by the magician. The third selection is "captured" while the spectator holds the deck! THIS EFFECT WILL "WOW" EVERYONE!

FIND YOUR OWN CARD is another little-known Marlo idea. It allows the spectator to find her own card! Paul has added some very clever routining and a very engaging patter line that will put big smiles on everyone's faces. This is a magician fooler!

LELEKIS' TOUCH SWITCH - Two new routines are included with this excellent sleight. This sleight can be performed while the spectators "burn your hands" and they will never see it...very, very clever and extremely deceptive. The harder they look...the less they see!

Download the eBook and videos and learn from Paul!


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