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For Entertainers and Professional Speakers! Alphabetically categorized for all occasions. A MUST HAVE for anyone in show business! An alphabetically categorized list of quick funny one liner jokes. Ideal for professional speakers, entertainers and comedians! One liners you will use is an A to Z of snappy, funny one liner gags that you will be able to inject into your own show. Between the covers of Wolfgang's book is a whole battery of one liners, all suitable for the right occasion. These one liners are all carefully categorized according to subject and so it is an easy, quick reference method of finding the right gag for the right spot in your magic show. Take advantage of years of practical experience going into this book. Imagine how long it would take of real live performance to find all these gags that work - and that is the beauty of the book - they ARE gags that work!


This book contains many one-liner jokes from the late 80's and 90's that would be considered 'below-the-belt, sexist' and 'politically incorrect' today!


"One liners you will use is an A to Z of snappy, funny one liner gags that you will be able to inject into your own show. Between the covers of Wolfgang's book is a whole battery of one liners, all suitable for the right occasion. These one liners are all carefully categorized according to subject and so it is an easy, quick reference method of finding the right gag for the right spot in your show. Take advantage of years of practical experience going into this book. Imagine how long it would take of real live performance to find all these gags that work - and that is the beauty of the book - they ARE gags that work."
- Jack Stephens: ABRA Magazine: London.

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