Zur Produktinformation


I am Pablo Frey, an artist, cardist, and magic consultant based in Mexico. I have been working on MSPRNT "FLWR" for over 3 years and it has been one of my dreams to produce a deck of cards like none other; something different, something that would show how unique art can be.

In early 2018 I started working on the idea of having something purposely misprinted, because as many of you know, sometimes decks come that way. Being a conceptual art artist, I said "Why not combine my two biggest passions (art and playing cards) to create something unique?" That was how the firsts concepts of MSPRNT were made, and now, after 3 years of hard work, we have MSPRNT 00 - "FLWR".


The deck design was born from a photo that I took while I was visiting "el Molino de las Flores" in Mexico. I loved the colors of the flower itself, and how it made a beautiful contrast with the sky, but I wanted to make something truly unique with it. I started experimenting with the photo until it felt like I had found the perfection in the imperfection of playing cards. I wanted to represent how you could fix something that is so destroyed and imperfect and make it full and perfect.

Many things inspired me to design the artwork for this deck, from nature and playing cards, to industrial machinery and artists such as Joseph Kosuth, Willem de Kooning, and Marcel Duchamp.

I wanted to make something that would embrace imperfection, and enhance the connection and display of playing cards. This is done through the imperfection of the cards itself, which creates a continuous illusion between the cards.


The box is something special to me because I wanted to create something that you normally would never see made on purpose, and at the same time make it fit with the concept of the playing cards.


I wanted to do something different with the faces because playing cards are made in two phases: first one side, then the other side. That's why it doesn't follow the same misprinting concept from the back, and it rather follows a more digital misprinting of something when it is being made.


MSPRNT 00 - "FLWR" is printed by the USPCC on their amazing standard stock with the Air-Cushion finish to ensure the highest quality possible and ultimate longevity, gilded decks will be made and fulfilled by Gamblers Warehouse. This specific deck and concept will never be reprinted.


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