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Become a real sleight of hand expert

10 VIDEOS to make these sleights easy to understand!

PLUS 12 excellent tricks and a bonus effect!

Paul Lelekis has written an incredible e-book that every performer MUST have to make him or her the very best performer possible!

This is not just a treatise of sleights - also included is the methodology for the more advanced sleights that every card performer needs to know and explained in detail with videos and the methods of performance!

There are over 20 sleights explained in full as well as VIDEOS of Paul performing many of these sleights, in what situations they are used, how they are performed, and the many subtleties involved to make each sleight "invisible" to your spectators and magicians.

Learn an almost completely unknown secret of Vernon's, to make your Classic and Jiggle Passes SUPER fast - and it is easy! Wait until you see THIS!

For a special treat, Paul has included 12 terrific effects using many of the sleights explained within this eBook - AND - another bonus effect provided at the bottom of Mike Powers' "MOVES" section!

As an additional BONUS, Paul has included a section for each sleight, called "Points to consider", which explain many of the nuances of each sleight, ideas for performance and what to expect from your spectators.

Many thanks to my friend, Mike Powers, for granting Paul's readers access to his "MOVES" section inside Mike's website, The Mall of Magic! You will be provided with the website and password to watch many OTHER videos of sleights on Mr. Powers' newly upgraded website - in high resolution VIMEO!

Learn the "secrets" of six Passes, six Multiple Shifts, and many Switches, including a video and full explanation of the elusive, underground sleight, Dingle's No- Lap Switch! You will FRY your fellow magicians with THIS one!

Learn Additions, Subtractions, Transfers and many other lesser known, but very important sleights!

This is NOT an eBook of Elmsley Counts and double turnovers - but a book of world class sleights...every nuance is covered in full detail with videos and the uses, the psychology, the SPECIFIC methods of performances, and the situations that you will encounter - all explained in detail!

This eBook is NOT for beginners - but more for the intermediate to advanced performers. Remember - sleight of hand is an ART!

This eBook is priced WAY TOO LOW!

Download the eBook and videos and start learning!


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