Zur Produktinformation


Do you want to slay your spectators AND fellow magicians with ruthless efficiency? Here are seven fantastic effects that are clean, easy to do, and will "DROP JAWS"!

There are 6 card effects and a BONUS COIN EFFECT that will absolutely endear your audience! VERY special! Included, are photos and three videos for complete explanation of every move!

Included in this eBook:

- The INTRODUCTION is a study of "performance and magic etiquette"... including some great insights by Mike Skinner!

- ANOTHER POINT OF DEPARTURE: Paul's clever take on a classic of magic by Alex Elmsley. Learn a very little known secret of misdirection by Michael Skinner that will take you to the epitome of professionalism...even seasoned pros will be fooled! This method is cleaner, more direct, and easier to do!

- EIODOLON is a mind-blower! A card is selected from a blue-backed deck and laid on the table. A BRAND NEW red-backed deck is opened (cellophane and all) and spread to show one card is missing! It is the same value as the selected card... but when the selection is turned over - it ALSO has a RED BACK!

- DELAYED MENTAL SCALES: Is Paul's updated version of a classic double-revelation effect that just seems IMPOSSIBLE! The spectator thinks of a number and then selects a card. She places the cards together herself while the performer's back is turned... and yet, the magician KNOWS the exact number she is thinking of! THEN SHE CUTS TO HER OWN SELECTION! This trick will blow spectators' minds! AND... it's easy to do! This, too, is a magician-fooler!

- M-M-MIRACLE!: The deck is cut in two by the spectator. A card is selected and that card is placed face-up into one of the two packets. With NO MOVES... that face-up selection, instantly flies face up, into the other packet! A STUNNER! Spread the packet to show that the card has really vanished!

- THE PHANTOM CARD: The selection is placed into the middle of the deck. The four Jacks are displayed and placed face-up onto the deck. Do your magic and the face-down selection is found in the middle of the four face-up Jacks! You will learn a very, very cool subtlety that will "up your game" and make your magic even more stunning with other effects.

- THE QUEENS HAVE RISEN: Do you want to fool your fellow magicians with a really cool trick? THIS IS IT! Place the four Queens into the middle of the deck. You place the deck down... no passes, no cuts, no duplicates... no NOTHING! Do this with a borrowed deck. Snap your fingers and all four Queens are back on top of the deck! THIS IS A MAGICIAN-FOOLER!! Watch your buddies DIVE for the deck!


This is a very little-known effect by MICHAEL AMMAR that not only engages the spectators, but will "tug at their heartstrings!" COMPLETE patter is included from start to finish!

This effect is so easy to do and uses only four coins... but the patter will really win your spectators over!

You will be applauded every time you perform this effect because of the beautiful story line.

I guarantee that you will perform this piece of theater, every chance you get... and why? Because your spectators will LOVE YOU for it... and it's very easy to do!

Download the eBook and videos and enjoy this magical adventure!


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