Zur Produktinformation


Brand-New Innovative Magic Brewed by One of Our Best...

From the highest fertile grounds of the Sierra Nevada Mountains near Lake Tahoe, California comes one of America's most prized collections of high-quality close-up magic. Dan Harlan's Premium Blend performances have been hand-selected from only the finest routines in his vast field of expertise. Whether you crave the luscious simplicity of powerful presentations or the deep dark smoothness of authentic sleight-of-hand, you're sure to find a flavor you cannot live without.

Volume Five - Funny Business

  • BUSINESS CARD NIGHTMARE -- A drawing of three different length ropes changes to ropes of the same length using the Out-to-Lunch principle.
  • YOUR FORTUNE -- Two halves of two borrowed bills are destroyed, only to be discovered sealed inside fortune cookies held by the spectators the whole time.
  • PENNED-IN -- A borrowed dollar changes into an I.O.U. in the spectator's hand. The bill is found rolled up inside a pen he has been holding the whole time.
  • PICTURE THIS -- An entire card trick performed with photographs which somehow magically correspond to the spectator's choices.
  • TENYO ZIG-ZAG CRAYON -- A crayon is cut and restored. You'll want to dig out this classic prop and use this new presentation which justifies its existence and may be used for audiences of all ages.
  • ART EXCHANGE -- A spectator's drawing changes places with the magician's drawing instantly with no false moves.
  • HOTEL PARADOX -- An old puzzle where 10 travelers fit into only 9 rooms is turned into a physical magic trick, yet still works.
  • CAPTAIN DREAD -- The spectator becomes a pirate and using a treasure map finds the treasure buried on an island with instructions given by the ghost of Captain Dread.
  • "SCUOWVIC JO OML" which means "Perspective is All," -- A selected card is revealed by the motto.


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