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The first book of its kind, it contains information you will not find elsewhere on the inside secrets of snake magic and snake charming.

Have you ever wondered how magicians and snake charmers touch deadly cobras on the nose and NOT GET BITTEN? Well, it is not just nerve. It is a clever trick that few people know how it is done. Both Al Mann and Devin Knight have done this trick many times. Al Mann learned the secrets in India from street magicians and passed the information on to Devin Knight. Devin performed this trick when he was visiting China. Both Al Mann and Devin Knight improved upon the basic secret and made it even more reliable and safer.

No, the cobra is NOT drugged or had its mouth sewn shut. This secret works with cobras that still have their venom glands and those that had their venom glands removed.

This is the only book that gives you detailed step-by-step information on how this trick is done. Many magicians are surprised to learn that it is legal to own cobras in most states and countries. Most places do not even require any special permits. Devin even gives you the online sources to buy cobras (both with and without venom glands) and have them delivered for you to pick up at your closest airport.

Devin gives you up-to-date information on how to do this trick as safely as possible, although there can be danger if you are using a cobra that has not had its venom glands removed.

Even if you never do the trick, this eBook is worth reading for the knowledge contained within. The secret will fascinate you. Everything you need to know about how the trick is done is fully explained in this eBook. The few magic books that even mention this trick gloss over it without revealing the REAL METHOD. This is the first book to reveal secrets normally only passed from father to son.

This is a must read for Al Mann fans, and covers the experiences of Al Mann who planned to put this trick into his stage act at one time.

BONUS EFFECT: ROD TO SNAKE - In the Bible and other religious writings, it tells about magicians who cast a rod on the ground and it changed to a snake. Was this just a story or is it possible to do it? The trick can actually be performed and is performed today by some street magicians in Egypt. This eBook give the real method used and even tells you what kind of snake you need and where to buy it. If you so desire, you can perform this trick today and create a sensation.

WARNING: This eBook is sold for educational and informational purposes only. The methods are practical and the same ones being used by magicians today. However, the author does not recommend you actually buy a cobra and perform these tricks. Unless you buy a cobra that has had its venom glands removed, you could get bitten and die. Buy the eBook and expand your magic knowledge by learning the REAL secrets behind these two amazing feats. If you choose to actually buy a snake and attempt these feats, you do so at your own risk. Neither the author nor distributor of this eBook is responsible in the event of serious injury or death. Again you use this information at your own risk.

Pages: 31 - 8.5" x 11" - PDF FORMAT


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