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Dai Vernon called The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings, "An absolute must for all lovers of the poetry of magic."

Within this beautifully produced volume you'll find all of the Larry Jennings classics, expertly described and meticulously illustrated. Open Travellers,The Homing Card, Peripatetic Coins, The Visitor, Visual Copper and Silver and so much more. 80 groundbreaking effects in all, ready to find a home in your repertoire.

288 pages with over 440 excellent illustrations by Tom Gagnon and over 90 sleights fully explained to make learning easy.


Dedication to Ron Wilson and Dai Vernon
Foreward by Dai Vernon and Charles Miller
Preface by John Thompson
Introduction by Mike Maxwell
Always Cut the Cards (Ed Marlo's Unit Upjog Addition)
2002 Aces (The Optical Add-On)
Twisting the Plot
Spectator Cops the Silver (Bobo Switch)
Synchronicity (Berg Palm, Top Palm Replacement, Modified Curry Turnover, L.J. Double Pushoff, Optical Toss, Miracle Spread)
Misdirection Cards to Pocket
Problem with Hofzinser (Vernon Cut, ATFUS, Walton Show)
In the Palm of Your Hand (L.J. Double Double, Pip Mis-Show Sequence)
The Bet
Peripatetic Coins (L.J. Shell Steal, Purse Palm Vanish)
Immaculate Insertion
Bonus Trick (Vernon/Krenzel Mechanical Reverse, Modified Dr. Elliot's Pass, Vernon Wedge, Wedge Cull, Wedge Reverse)
Mystery Card (Larry's Packet Reverse - The Flop)
Plotting the Twisted Aces.
The Hook (Panorama Pass)
Well Oiled Reset (Elmsley Count)
Jennings Opener (Jennings-Hofzinser Change)
Pacoima Solution (L.J. Peek)
The Card in the Beer Bottle
Heads I Win, Tails You Lose.
7-Up (Interlock, Dai Vernon's Utility Move, Double Lift Get-Ready)
Shut Up and Deal (Multiple Card Get-Ready, L.J. Insertion, Fene Finnel's Free Cut Principle)
The Maestro's Poker Demonstation (L.J. Unloading Move, L.J. Variation of the Machine Break Off Move, L.J. Packet Switch, Hamman Count)
Jennings Revelation.
Chinese Connection.
Visual Copper and Silver (Purse Palm, Scotty York Back Clip Variation)
Optical Prediction
L.J. Ten Card Problem Variation (Top Card Cover Pass)
The Card in the Hat (L.J. Angle Steal, Neal Elias Jumping Card)
The Courting Queen: (Pass, Christ Twist)
Easy Expert Coins Across (Heel Steal, Han Ping Chien)
Collectors I (Vernon Depth Illusion)
Ambitious Classic
A Royal Twist (Christ Twist)
Gambler's Aces (Neal Elias Multiple Shift, Stevens Riffle Control, Doc Daley Cut, Vernon block Transfer)
General Card (Braue Reverse)(Apocalypse June 1980)
Lie Detector
Skip Tracers (Braue Addition, D'Amico Shift)
Spectator's Choice (L.J. Technical Variation of Marlo's B.D.E. Force)
Twist'In (Underground Elmsley Count)
King's Triumph
The Observation Test
Collectors II
Reaping the Aces I & II (Jennings Slip Switch)
Standing Three Eagles (Kaps Subtlety)
Departure from a Point (Drop Switch, Alex Elmsley's Hand Washing Vanish)
Ambitious Classic Variation
Any Ace Called For (Gathering Add-On, Vernon Cut, T.N.T. Bottom Deal)
Open Travellers (Bounce Double, Finley Tent Vanish, Rub A Dub Dub Vanish)
Travelling Expert (Vernon Spring Palm)
Prefiguration (A Glimpse)
The Visitor (Jennings-Walton Show)
Triple Discovery (Braue Reversal)
Last Minute Visitor (Marlo's Bottom Deal Exchange, Spread Load for a Sandwich)
Impromptu Wildcard (Illusion-Flushtration Count)
Homing Card (Deal Set, Erdnase Palm Change)
Wave Vanish
Homing Card Variation
Wallet Deck Switch
Uni-Flection (Multiple Lift Display Sequence, Rhythm Count, L.J. All Alike Count)
Jennings on Vernon's Triumph (Vernon Block Transfer)
Collectors III (L.J. Insertion Addition, Dr. Nuzzo's Faro Slough Off)
Fan-Stab-Stic (Vernon Pressure Fan Control)
Twist'In II (All Fair Show, J.K. Hartman's Clean Up and Reverse)
L.J. On Leipzig's Sympathetic Cards (Marlo's B.D.E. Force)
The Visting Expert (D'Amico Spread, Vernon Transfer)
Distributraction (Collectors V)
Jennings Bill Switch
Clink-A-Clink Coins Across (w/Louis Falanga) (Pop Up Move)
Out Standing Triumph (L.J. Display)
Cut Reverse I
Cut Reverse II
Instant Aces
Slap Me Again, I Needed That (L.J. Double Undercut)
Ambidextrous Travellers (One Hand Bottom Palm, Diagonal Palm Shift)
Double Your Pleasure: Jennings' Double Lifts (Snap Lift, Center Lift)
L.J. Toss
Double Think (Roll Around Reverse, Larreverse)
Spectator's Triumph (Palm Spread)
Bonus Routine: Larry Jennings' Single Cup & Balls Routine (Fake Transfer, Vernon Cone Vanish)
Credits and Technical Commentary by James Patton.
Larry Jennings: The Classic Past by David Michael Evans


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