Zur Produktinformation


There have been video productions in the past where a sleight of hand performer has demonstrated the arcane skills of the card cheat. However, for the first time, one of the finest sleight of hand artists in the world not only demonstrates his consummate skill but explains-in minute detail-every nuance in these dynamic moves and makes it possible for you to learn them, too. In this video, you'll enter the shadowy world of the card cheat and though there will be more than a few instances where you'll swear you're watching special effects, you will actually be watching one of the world's best card men in action. Then, you'll join Fernando in an intimate one-on-one session where he'll tip all of the work. First you'll be astonished and then-with a bit of practice-you'll be astonishing others.

Second Dealing
Bottom Dealing
Center Deal
One Hand Center Deal
False Cut #1 (Gambler's Cut)
False Cut #2 (The Pass)
Hand Mucking
One Hand Estimation
Culling & Stacking
Culling & Stacking Demonstration
Three Card Monte
Special Bonus Section

(performance only):
Appearing Aces
Oil and Water
Deck Separation

Second Deal (Strike Second)
Double Push Off Second Deal
The Sail
Stud Second Deal
Extra Fancy Second Deal
One Handed Second Deal
One Handed Second Deal - Both Hands
Second Deal in 60 seconds
Second Deal in 60 seconds #2
Bottom Deal
Center Deal
One Hand Center Deal
False Cut (Gambler's Cut)
Gambler's Cut with One Hand
Second False Cut (The Pass)
Hand Mucking
First Estimation (Any Number of Cards Cut)
Second Estimation
One Handed Estimation
Stacking (Riffle Shuffle)
Culling & Stacking Demonstration
Three Card Monte

"Fernando is a very special artist, unique and one of a kind. His work with cards is plain incredible!"
- Tommy Wonder

"I was truly astonished at his deftness with cards." - Dai Vernon


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