Zur Produktinformation


Byrd and Coats are known for their unique forms of magic. This magic duo has teamed up with Wrigley Jr. Co. to bring you one of the most unique forms of magic, BUBBLE GUM MAGIC. This download will teach you step-by-step how to perform hard hitting illusions with bubble gum.

Gum Through Window - A spectator chooses a pack of gum, then multiple packs of gum are thrown at a window. The spectator's chosen gum pack penetrates the window and ends up stuck to the other side.

Straight from the Factory - A spectator chooses a card from a deck and chooses a pack of gum from a sealed multi-pack. The spectator's card ends up in the un-opened, sealed pack of gum inside the sealed multi-pack.

Gum Through Window Combo - A combination of Gum through Window and Straight from the Factory.

Real Sticky Situation - A chewed piece of gum is taken from the magician's mouth, he shakes the chewed gum and it turns back into a new, un-wrapped stick of gum. Then the magician shakes the gum a final time to reveal a fully wrapped piece of gum that can be handed out and chewed.

Hot Pack - A pack of Wrigley's Juicy Fruit is shown and with the flick of the wrist, the pack turns into a pack of Wrigley's Big Red.

Sign Gum Transposition - A spectator and the magician sign separate packs of gum then both hold them tightly in their hands. When both the spectator and magician open their hands they find the signed packs have switched places.

Chewing Gum Change - The front and back of an old chewing gum wrapper are shown to a spectator. The wrapper is then folded and un-folded to reveal that is has changed into another type of gum. The magician rubs the gum wrapper and turns it into a new pack of gum which can be handed out.

Running Time Approximately 79min


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