Zur Produktinformation


From the creator of Olson's Closer and the resident bar magician in his own home(!), Erick Olson has created a bet you CAN'T LOSE!!! Pick Your Poison is a self-contained MENTAL BAR BET with custom made props that DO ALL THE WORK FOR YOU!

The Effect:

You remove three drink coasters from a smart looking snap case. Each coaster has a different drink printed on it; Beer, Whiskey and Wine. Left inside the case, and seen through the clear plastic front, is a $20 bill. Explain that you're going to get the spectator to choose one of the three drinks. You are SO confident that you already KNOW which drink they're going to pick you're willing to give them the $20 bill if you're wrong. But if you're right, then they have to buy you a drink. The spectator agrees to the wager and makes an ABSOLUTELY FREE CHOICE of one of the three drinks. You then reveal an indelible prediction left in full view from the very beginning that reveals their chosen drink!

Pick Your Poison is...
  • A totally free choice! No forcing involved.
  • Guaranteed that you will always be correct.
  • Easy and convenient to carry with you everywhere.
  • Comes complete with everything you need to perform (Even the $20 bill!) Can work with any currency.
  • Self contained and performable anytime, anywhere and without a moment's notice.
  • A prediction that is in full view of the audience from the beginning.
  • So easy to learn you will be performing it almost as soon as you open the package.
  • Pick Your Poison can be presented as a fun bar bet or as a powerful demonstration of mind control!
Pick Your Poison includes:
  • 3 Custom printed thick gauge drink coasters
  • Custom vinyl snap case
  • Custom printed $20 bill in USD (real movie prop currency.)*
  • Streamable & downloadable video with multiple
  • Performances, tutorial from Erick Olson and numerous routine ideas, ddditions, BONUS Kickers and a SECRET HIDDEN effect built into the props!
*You can use a bill of any currency and are not limited to the provided U.S. $20

Pick Your Poison is great for strolling gigs, formal close up shows and of course - behind the bar!


Wir versenden täglich von MO bis FR, wenn du vor 15:30 Uhr bestellst!

Alle Lieferungen erfolgen mit der Schweizer Post (www.post.ch). 

Economy-Versand (2-3 Werktage)

  • pauschal Fr. 7.50
  • Ab Fr. 45.– Warenwert, Fr. 4.50
  • Ab Fr. 100.– Warenwert, kostenlos

(Kleinmengenzuschlag wenn Warenwert unter Fr. 7.50)

Priority-Versand (1-2 Werktage)

  • pauschal Fr. 9.50
  • Ab Fr. 100.– Warenwert kostenlos

Zusatzkosten auf Wunsch:

Samstagszustellung (Fr. 14.50): Für Bestellungen,  die vor Freitag, 15:30 Uhr bei uns eintreffen, kann zusätzlich die Option Samstagszustellung gewählt werden, eine Versandoption der Schweizer Post. Die Pakete werden dann am Samstag ausgeliefert! Dieser Dienst ist kostenpflichtig, auch wenn der Warenwert über Fr. 100.– liegt. 

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Versand ins Ausland

Lieferungen ins Ausland können aufgrund neuer Zollbestimmungen der EU derzeit nicht mehr direkt über den Onlineshop getätigt werden. Gerne kannst du die Lieferung über einen externen Versanddienstleister wie z.B. Schweizer Postadresse abwickeln lassen. Wir liefern dann an die Schweizer Adresse, das Paket wird anschliessend an dich weitergeleitet.

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