Zur Produktinformation


When FISM winner J. J. Sanvert performs, he only has one goal in mind - to entertain! This is why every routine in his professional repertoire is honed to perfection as he squeezes every last drop of entertainment potential from them. That means that every one of these tricks is strong enough to be your closer!

On this volume, you'll find three routines that approach the level of magical theater. Each is a showpiece that J. J. has carefully constructed for maximum impact and complete audience engagement. These are the tricks to do if you can only do one!

Linking Finger Rings - The trick begins along the classic lines - borrowed finger rings link are impossibly linked together. However, where most routines end, J. J.'s just begins. The rings subsequently vanish and each is found in a separate - and equally impossible - place.

Card in the Lemon - The secrets of the Universe explained with a deck of playing cards and a citrus fruit! A selected card, after going through several miraculous changes, is found inside of a lemon. The routining makes the lemon a logical part of the routine and the ending is guaranteed to elicit a gasp from even the most reserved audiences.

Babybel - This is the trick that J. J. uses to close his show - that says it all! In this routine that could almost be considered an act in itself, a borrowed bill is vanished and found within a small cheese. It should also be mentioned that said cheese is covered in wax, wrapped in cellophane and factory sealed in a net bag. Oh, yes - the bag is also sealed in a can of peas. This is a Nest of Boxes-type of effect that your audience is never going to believe. Plus, J. J. takes you through the setup of this effect in one of the most meticulous explanations of any magical effect ever committed to video.


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