Zur Produktinformation


Multiple award-winning magician, Matt Baker, has been performing magic since the age of 10. His original creations have been featured in Genii and The Linking Ring magazines, as well as in his recently released book, The Buena Vista Shuffle Club. In the real world, Matt is a Professor of Mathematics and Associate Dean in the Georgia Tech College of Sciences and has received numerous awards for his excellence in teaching and innovative use of magic in the classroom. In this lecture, Matt will share his favorite close-up magic and mentalism routines using playing cards, coins, and even M&Ms. Get ready to learn from an award-winning rising star in magic and mentalism. Join us as we welcome Matt Baker, At The Table!

Here's what you'll learn:

Location Sensing Device: A fun and interactive routine where you find the selected cards under impossible conditions and then teach the spectator how to do it themselves.

Casablanca: The spectator auditions to be your psychic partner by correctly predicting the future while you read their mind.

Hive Mind: An interactive piece of mentalism using M&Ms with a prediction that the audience fills out themselves, they make all the choices, and is 100% correct every time! Even after knowing the method, you'll still be fooled by it.

Tilapia: Reveal two freely thought-of cards using fishing without ever getting a single "NO" answer.

Quantum Matrix: An incredible presentation for a visual matrix routine where everything makes sense and it's very easy to do.

Subconscious Shuffle Tracking: You and your spectator take turns locating a freely named card after a series of shuffles and cuts. Just when they think it's over, you finish by finding the four a kind of the named card!

S.O.L. (Performance Only): The spectator selects a card from a shuffled deck under the table without looking at it and places the rest of the deck in card case. Under these impossible conditions, Matt instantly reveals the selected card!

Download the video and start learning!


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