Zur Produktinformation


Friends for over 20 years, this pair thinks and breathes magic creativity-they are none other than the Magic Brothers. If two heads are better than one, then this dynamic duo is guaranteed to deliver one hell of a show and lecture. Internationally acclaimed and world renowned, the Magic Brothers were awarded Grand Prix at the 2014 FISM Asia, and then became one of the winners at FISM 2014. Prepare to learn routines that you can create from everyday items, that are both simple and yet truly eye catching. Are you ready for the Magic Brothers? Come find out, At The Table. Here you'll learn:

Zip Lock Bag Test: While the magician is blindfolded, several spectators each put a personal item into Zip Lock bags and then mix them up. The magician is able to match the item to its owner, by just looking at the item!

Tattoo: A chosen card is signed then placed on the table. With a gesture, a hole seems to be punched through the card, with the missing piece found in another location.

Choice Prediction: The spectator is asked to shuffle the cards and take as many cards as they want. The cards are shuffled again, and a single card is chosen. Miraculously, this chosen card was predicted ahead of time!

Key Card Build Up: A key card routine that uses the key card in 3 different steps, each time escalating the impossible nature of the trick.

Rompossible: Find the chosen card with two different methods -- with each method being more devious than the other.

Number Force: An impossible number prediction using nothing but a silk.


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