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From Los Angeles to London, people's jaws have literally dropped after witnessing the incredible close-up magic of Etienne Pradier. But there's more to this guy than meets the eye. Etienne became fascinated by magic at an early age and rapidly made a name for himself as a truly gifted close-up magician. He's published a number of well-recognized routines and effects, and has even used his clever talents to fool Penn & Teller. Uniquely skilled, creative, charismatic, and immensely entertaining, Etienne Pradier is now one of the UK's most successful London UK-based magicians and a favorite with the Royal family. Join us for an amazing lecture At The Table with none other than Etienne Pradier! Here's what you'll learn:

Bureau de Change: A multi-phase bill change routine that utilizes multiple bills, and many different currencies!

Fork, Glass, and Snapping Finger: High impact visual opener that utilizes common objects at any dining setting.

Card Under the Pen: A quick card effect, perfect for trade shows!

EP's Card in Mouth: Etienne turns the classic card-in-mouth effect into a transposition!

Hypnotize: A spectator selects a card and the magician places 2 random cards in the spectator's hands. The random cards aren't the selection, but the magician hypnotizes him to see it as the selection. A great effect that will leave your spectators scratching their heads!

Bill Malone Application: Etienne's version of a Bill Malone move. Etienne's addition helps make the move feel more naturally motivated. You'll love it!

Coin Voyage: Etienne's take on a classic plot in magic. The chosen coin vanishes from under a wine glass into a crumpled bill in the spectator's hand.

Marriage: Etienne's version of the Anniversary Waltz. This version includes smooth moves, and hilarious moments in the style that we've come to expect from Etienne. This gets killer reactions!

Red Hot Chili Pepper: Etienne's take on Red Hot Mama. It's the same as the classic, but with some great Etienne touches!

Omni Deck: Etienne shares his routine that utilizes an omni-deck. He includes a clever load that never requires you to go to your pocket. If you own and omni-deck, you'll definitely be using this one!

Time Watch: An impromptu watch effect where a spectator chooses a time, and now the borrowed watch is now at that time!

Barking Dog: Etienne's Barking Dog trick. Here he includes a new visual transfer of a signed bill.

ESP: An easy move to control 4 cards.

Pablo Aces: Etienne's famous disappearing and reappearing Aces routine. An incredibly powerful routine!

Cold Card: An edgy and incredibly hilarious routine and a dual reality ending that will leave your audience in tears!


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