Zur Produktinformation


"Chris is the real deal. Original presentations that will grab your audiences and not let go. Highly recommended."
- Bob Cassidy

"Chris is a creative, original thinker and a truly great performer, his skills and talents mesmerized me. I highly recommend you all to see him in action."
- Uri Geller

"I'm a fan of Chris Rawlins. He knows how to create amazement and he will inspire you to do the same!"
- Marc Paul

Chris Rawlins
is back for his second AT The Table lecture and we couldn't be more excited! A highly acclaimed author and creator in the world of mentalism, Chris Rawlins has shared his wealth of knowledge at The Session Convention, The Event, numerous books and DVD's, and traveled across the UK and Europe touring alongside Luke Jermay. Here he shares his working material from his professional act and holds nothing back. This lecture is jam-packed with strong material that has been tried and tested hundreds of times in the real world. Whether you perform on a stage, close-up or even just casual situations, Chris Rawlins meticulously walks you through his material so you can begin amazing spectators in no time. Don't miss your chance to peek inside the mind and repertoire of one the world's busiest mentalists. Here's what you'll learn:

Pseudo Expanded!: Chris will teach his workhorse routine Pseudo with extra details, tips and techniques that elevate the routine to a whole new level, and best of all... make it even easier to perform.

O C P: An exciting demonstration that begins as a game and ends with a surprise. This is a system that will allow you to have a spectator control and find four of a kind, without ever knowing how.

STACK: A simple and playful word test that uses just business cards and a marker. Alternative handlings will be taught.

U.Y.O.W: Using a single, borrowed business card and your regular ungimmicked wallet, you are able to perfectly know a drawn thought. This is a tool box method you'll never forget.

1-4-1: A very simple, direct, test-conditions piece of mind reading that allows you to know and reveal anything you like. In this example, Chris explores a word and drawing test.

BILLET ELIMINATION JUSTIFICATION: A smart piece of verbiage that will extend the magical moment for your spectators in certain situations.

*Performance Only*: Chris performs a card routine that he does not explain, but that he hopes will encourage you and excite your imagination.


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