
Zur Produktinformation



As magicians, whether we've practiced for 10 months or 10 years, we've all "found" a spectator's card. We've all made a card flip upside down in a deck. We've all made a signed-card rise to the top of the deck. We've all done a triumph rutine.
But that's where it stops.

We have NOT all made a mixed deck correct itself while the ENTIRE DECK (every single back in the deck including the spectator's card) changes... Every card, all 52, in the entire deck changes in a flash of fire within a split second giving a moment of startling, visual, in your face magic.

THIS is X-Marks The Spot...


You, in a pseudo demonstration on how magicians use marked cards take your audience through a deck of red cards to see if they can find the marks themselves. Unfortunately, they are not able to see a thing, and believe at this point that you are pulling their leg. So, to prove they really are marked, a card is selected and signed on its face and lost in the deck. One half of the deck is turned face up and shuffled into the face down half. The cards are spread to show the mess. You ask one more time if they can see the marks on the back. Once again, the answer is no. Accusing the lighting conditions on this sight problem, you pull out a lighter and a piece of paper with a big black X drawn on it. Suddenly the paper is ignited (accidentally) and in an explosion of fire the paper is tossed at the deck and INSTANTANEOUSLY a black appear on the back of the deck. Also, all of the cards are face down and ALL THE CARDS HAVE A BIG X ON THE BACK OF EACH CARD except for on that is face-up in the guessed it, the selected signed card. As if that were not enough, you explain that you were not really looking for those marks but the one on the back of the selected card. As you turn the card over, its found to have a BLUE BACK.

  • No rough and smooth
  • Nothing is added or taken away
  • No deck switches
  • Resets in minutes
  • Perfect for walk-around and restaurant work
"I LOVE IT...I have added X Marks the Spot to my A list of material I use...A Great effect for everyone!"
- Tommy Williams

"If card magic was a sport then X Marks the Spot would be an olympic event!"
- Larry Kobel

"After seeing Justin perform this on Strolling Hand DVD, it really caught my attention. X-Marks the Spot is an impressive, magical-looking routine with solid presentation, binding the climaxes with a veneer of logic. Justin has created an effective performance piece that will be suitable in any magicians hands, both behind a table or in a strolling environment. Justin closes his card act with it and I can understand why!"
- David Regal - Genii Magazine

Running Time Approximately 27min

Includes gimmicky Bicycle cards.


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