Zur Produktinformation


Made from a real-life object, Vapor Prediction by Hyde Ren is an EDC magic trick you are sure to love.

The effect is simple yet unexpected: you have the audience select a random playing card. When they think it's just going to be another card trick, you pick up the vape you just used a moment ago, remove the pod, and unfold the vape. Astonishingly, the vape transforms into their selected playing card.

The presentation of this effect is flexible. You can make the selected card disappear in the deck, and then show that the vape itself transforms into the card. Or, you can pretend to struggle to find the selected card, and accidentally find that the vape becomes the card when you want to use it.

Vaping has become more widely accepted among young adults than traditional cigarettes, making it more suitable for indoor performance.

It is a real-life visual astonishment that will leave your audience with a unique experience.

Vapor Prediction is made from a genuine vape and looks ordinary, so as not to arouse suspicion. The design of the gimmick is identical to the genuine one, making it difficult to tell the difference between the two with the naked eye. Everything you need is included in the package, including two random gaff cards for use as the prediction, and refills of gaff cards are available.

  • Skill level: Intermediate;
  • Unexpected effect: The vape transforms into a selected card;
  • An excellent combination of magic and everyday carry;
  • Made from a real-life object, deceptive exterior.
  • Detailed online instructions on multiple handling and presentations for different scenarios.
Notes: The purchaser of Vapor Prediction must be at least 18 years old. It includes a real vape and contains nicotine. By purchasing this product, you acknowledge consent and understanding of this message.


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