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Discover and perform one of the most basic building blocks of card magic, the Top Change. Master this technique and you can perform some of the most classic magic tricks of all time. This can be your secret weapon to bring your magic to the next level.

Mark Wong shares some refined techniques that allow you to perform and look natural with cards in absolutely any condition.

Impossible prediction
Spectator shuffles the deck, and the magician removes a prediction card, setting it face down on the table. Spectator then has a free choice to select any card he wants. The impossible happens! It matches the predicted card!

Two spectators select two different cards and hold it in their hands. Miraculously, the cards in their hands switch places without the magician ever going near to their hands!

Selected card is signed, torn up and burnt. Magician grabs some of the smoke just before it stops burning, and tosses it back into the deck. Then, the selected SIGNED card is found in the middle, fully restored and unharmed.

Jokes on you
Spectator selects and signs a card, after which it is placed it into their pocket. Magician challenges them that he can steal their card and replace it with a joker. Amazingly, the selected card is back into the deck and swapsplaces with a joker.

In your hands
Spectator selects and signs a card. After losing it into the deck, magician places a stranger card into the spectator's hands. Finally, the stranger card morphs into the selected card.

Ambitious card
The Top Change is used in this trick as an alternative to the double lift and it gives a cleaner handling to the ambitious card routine.


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