Zur Produktinformation


The Mark (Slow motion four card monte).

This is a new version of an old classic, the "Three card monte" but this time with four cards of which three are white and one is the ace of clubs and with an impressive ending. (This routine is inspired by previous versions. by Jhon Luke, Luis Falanga and Martin Lewis but this time the cards will be marked with a cross on the back and very visual effects will occur with the mark reaching a climax to an incredible ending.)

The routine consists of three phases that go from in crescendo where you have to follow the ace of clubs mixed among the white cards but in this routine the incredible thing is that the ace of clubs will have a large cross made, with a marker on the back of the ace of clubs so you can follow it when the cards are being dealt. shuffling face down and from this moment on the cross magically changes place between the backs of the cards generating very visual effects that make the difference in this routine and with an impressive ending and you can also give all the cards to be checked.

The secret to this routine is that the cards have a special design that allows the cards to be shown very clearly by holding them only with the index finger and thumb and thus in this clear way being able to show all the cards without hiding any corner. In addition, the design of the cards allows the routine to be performed in "slow motion" without making any strange movements or hand speed, meaning that the entire routine flows in a very natural way without any manipulation or card magic technique since the design of the cards is the secret.

The Mark is very easy to do and resets instantly.

When you finish the routine, you can put the cards back in your pocket and they will be ready to be used again when you need them.

The size of the cards was designed so that both can be used use close-up magicians like magicians who do parlor magic since the cards can be seen very well from a distance. The cards are made of excellent super durable and washable material that allows you to mark the cards on the back with an ink marker and then erase them easily so you can perform the routine again as many times as necessary.



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