Zur Produktinformation


So, why should you by these videos? Well maybe its because its not all card tricks, Or maybe it's because they have 11 full working routines on them that are split into two fully working sets that you will be able to use. Maybe its because with nothing else but these videos you will have enough working material to go out and earn a living from magic. Or maybe it's because they're full of hints and tips about working as a magician.

Whatever your reasons, these videos will help. You probably knew that though, because you're smart and that's what got you this far. So go on, go for it.... you'll like these videos, honest. 

Volume ONE

Turbo Cup -
The greatest opening routine ever. Mark tips the psychology behind why this routine puts you head and shoulders above the rest. Super-fast and full of huge laughs.

Though Of Card Under Glass - Blow them away within one minute of getting the deck out Does exactly what it says on the label!

OmniBitious - A logical, funny and practical routine for this timeless classic. Mark shows you how to put his ambitious formula to all of your routines and triple the reactions you're getting... instantly.

IDR - Do you own an invisible deck? Are you using it? If you just answered no, that's about to change.

Bonus - Chicago Quadropener - Marks signature multi-phase routine. Full of cheeky convincers and clever thinking. This routine could soon become the only card trick you do at a table.

Running Time Approximately 1hr 36min



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