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Adrian Vega is back one of the most fooling tricks that he had created, shared only on the conventions, but now, finally release it worldwide.

One spectator cut the deck in two piles for two different spectators, they start dealing cards one by one until one of them freely decides to stop (REALLY FREE), then they look at the card and keep dealing to lose their cards on the deck. Now you are able to guess their card and/or show your prediction that, of course, match perfectly.

This would be a really great effect by itself, but the miracles had only started, after revealing their cards, now you show that the trick was IMPOSSIBLE, because the deck that has being handled by them, all time in their hands, it is a complete blank deck with no cards at all!

Remember, you never touch the deck, they stop whenever they want.

We know that reading this you will not believe that it is as clean, so for that reason we wanted to share with you a complete UNCUT performance to show you everything about Stop it! , and yes! everything is as clean as you can see it on the trailer.

You never touch the deck, they stop whenever they want and the best part, you don't have to do anything at all, they do it all for you. No memory or counting work for you, super easy to perform and super strong effect in their own hands!

You will receive everything ready to perform plus a complete tutorial from Adrian Vega sharing with you all the secrets, all the psychology of the spectators and a lot of ideas for this new miracle.

Adrian Vega did it again! Enjoy Stop it!



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