Zur Produktinformation


The Serial Killer Deck is suitable for all performance types, with themes spanning from the heroic capture of these depraved individuals to the truly macabre, and everything in between. Incredible routines included from Christopher Taylor, Rolando Santos, and Vince Wilson make this deck a powerful performing tool right out of the box, or let your own imagination run wild with the new plots, themes, and possibilities offered by the Serial Killer Deck.

The public curiosity with serial killers is well known. Experts say that our fascination is based more on a desire to understand the WHY behind their incomprehensible acts, rather than the nature of the acts themselves. How did they become killers? In what ways are they different from us? Are they different from us at all?

So be prepared. Your close-up audience will demonstrate a somewhat morbid curiosity in this deck. They will want to look through it, comment on individual monsters that catch their eye. And, they will instantly be drawn in by the idea that you are about to reveal some of those monsters' murderous secrets...

  • A deck of 54 high quality playing cards depicting different serial killers and famous murders from around the word. Half of the deck depict killers who were active prior to the year 1900 and half depict killers who were active after the year 1900.
  • 10 "quote cards", each with a famous quote from one of the murders.
  • 2 Reference cards with full lists of the killers and their corresponding card values.
  • Subtle one-way-back design
  • Double-back card
  • Blank-face card with matching back.
  • Routines by Christopher Taylor, Rolando Santos and Vince Wilson.
  • Two bonus routines by Christopher Taylor ($30 download value included at no extra cost).
  • Separate PDF containing portraits and information about some of the victims (for use in one of the included routines).


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  • pauschal Fr. 9.50
  • Ab Fr. 100.– Warenwert kostenlos

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