Zur Produktinformation



The legion device is something I've kept under wraps for some time, some of my closer friends have seen me work with this, but I didn't tend to perform it around magicians up until recently when I decided that it was time to unleash the beast... So to speak.

The legion device can create some truly stunning and unbelievable effects.

With this device in hand, you'll be able to:
  • Have several people see the face of a single card, isolated from the deck, to have several different values. Each person sees a different card. You could then show this single card as blank if you wish.
  • You can also easily force a card with unparalleled freedom from a completely shuffled deck you never touch. This is immediately repeatable with another card of a different or of the same value.
  • A card is shown as indifferent, then transforms in to a selection instantly or in the spectator's hand.
  • You could take a stack of photographs and perform all of the above effects/utilities with those to force a particular image or person.
  • The concept behind legion is expandable. You could have 5, 9 or more outcomes depending on the depth of your legion gimmick, you could even combine legion gimmicks to create a vast array of outcomes.
  • You could build your legion gimmick into a card box, an envelope, a notepad or an array of other normal, everyday items.
  • The legion gimmick is seen by the spectators, but they don't see a thing.

The gimmick will cost you next to nothing to put together, it uses items that you will have in your house right now and depending on the depth of your gimmick, it could take you as little as 5 minutes to put together ready for practice and performance.

Pages: 14 - 8.5" x 11" - PDF Format - Full color photos


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