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How to be a Successful Medium (and Other Bedtime Stories for Mentalists) represents Paul Voodini's latest PDF contribution to the world of mentalism! Centering around the stage performances of mediums, Paul analyses all aspects of their shows and demonstrates how there is much that any mentalist or mind-reader can learn from a good medium (as opposed to a bad medium, of which there are many!).

By combining techniques employed by stage mediums, any mentalist or mind-reader (or even magician) can add new depths or resonance and meaning to his performance. Using the techniques outlined in this 55-page manuscript, there will be no dead time in your shows! The 'hits' start coming as soon as you walk out on stage, and any 'misses' are turned quickly and easily into 'hits' that the audience will remember and marvel at, long after the show has finished.

This PDF looks at all angles of a mediumship show, from marketing to audience make-up to the actual messages that are passed on to the audience during the show. These different aspects are dissected and presented for the reader's consideration; an insight into the world of the professional, successful medium and the lessons that any mentalist, mind-reader, or magician can take from them.

Priced at a pocket-friendly amount, this manuscript is an excellent expansion on Reader of Minds and Pure Q&A (previous PDFs by Paul Voodini). Or if you have never read Reader of Minds or Pure Q&A, this is an excellent introduction into the world of ungimmicked mind-reading and demonstrations of pure psychic ability. But don't throw away your billets and book tests just yet! This PDF demonstrates how mainstream mentalism can be incorporated with ideas from the world of the medium to absolutely blow an audience away!



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