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Mentalism You Can Dance To!

Music is a big part of the entertainment at weddings, bar mitzvahs and graduations. If a mentalist can incorporate the DJ in his program of mind reading, he's a rare commodity and worth more money.

Hey Mr DJ is a complete routine that enables the mentalist to know ANY songs that three different people at the party think.

The audience creates a list of current song titles without any input from the mentalist. Three randomly selected participants THINK of a song title from the list. They don't write their choices down and their choices are completely "free." Yet, the mentalist knows the song titles in their minds!

The greatest feature of this practical routine is that the final song title is seemingly telepathically projected to the DJ! Without any kind of prior arrangement, the DJ plays the song that comes into his mind and IT'S THE SAME SONG AS THE ONE PICKED BY A SPECTATOR!

This is a finale trick that sends everyone to the dance floor to continue the party. What's more is that this can be performed COMPLETELY IMPROMPTU. It can be presented in night clubs, karaoke bars and people's homes. Where ever there's music and people you can create a sensation!

Hey Mr. DJ has these important features:
  • You're always ready to perform - anywhere, any time.
  • No extra gimmicks are needed.
  • The spectators don't write anything.
  • ANY song titles can be used.
  • You don't need to be familiar with any of the chosen song titles.
  • The spectators' choices are "free."
  • Spectators can change their selections if they wish.
  • No pre-show work AT ALL.
  • Nothing is forced on the DJ.
  • DJ just looks at the list and chooses.
  • The DJ actually believes the song title is projected into his mind.
  • Great for ALL kinds of parties.
  • Easy to learn and do.
FREE bonus: The MP3 Pro-tech Routine

Pages 20 - Saddle Stitched


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