Zur Produktinformation


This is a short and to-the-point PDF, accompanied by three instructional videos (combined duration of over one hour and 50 minutes). Jonathan Royle shares his thoughts and experiences regarding how to make the "Gozinta Boxes" a far more magical, logical and entertaining trick to perform within your show. Also, he discusses, and wants you to consider, the importance of continuity when putting your acts and shows together.

Along the way, you'll also gain insights and knowledge about how to easily adapt tricks to suit different audiences. Royle includes a great example, using Larry Becker's "Will the Cards Match" routine.

Royle shares with you his thoughts on how to more effectively structure your magical routines, acts and shows for maximum impact and audience response. By studying this PDF and the enclosed videos, you have the ammunition to change the way you think about, structure and perform all of your magic.

Psychological insights into how people really think and what truly motivates them in life are also revealed in this video. In addition, you'll be taught how to apply this knowledge to your performances to create a far more dramatic and long-lasting effect on your audiences.

You'll gain insights about the power of suggestion (both verbal and non-verbal), and how this can immensely improve your magic and mentalism.

British Music Hall and variety star comedienne, Hylda Baker, reveals her deep secret from beyond the grave: how to get more applause as well as practically guaranteeing a standing ovation at every show!

And you will even be given the solution to overcoming stage fright, pre-show nerves, and self-doubt, enabling you to increase your confidence and calmness when performing with ease.

Heck, Royle will even show you how your magic tricks and mentalism can be used to genuinely help people to make positive, long-lasting changes in their lives on many levels. This will help ensure that they truly remember and talk about you for years to come!

If you'd like to become the best possible performer that you can be, and you desire to get audience reactions usually reserved for famous-name, "top of the bill" acts, then this package is a must for you!


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