Zur Produktinformation


The V2 version of the Flower Moon series is here again. If the characteristic of V1 is fantasy, then the keyword of V2 is elegance. The color tone of the entire card box has become lighter, and the elegant blue-pink and tender green have become the main colors. The ink painting method presents two girls wearing Hanfu. The butterfly with gold-stamped outlines the beautiful scene, and also enhances the craftsmanship of the card box. The picture also uses a butterfly pattern sticker in the sealing sticker. The two cards in the picture are called Lotus Pond and Moonlight. The most direct way to distinguish them is that the background of the lotus pond is the clear water surface, while the background of the moonlight is the deep night sky.

Since V1, the design of Flower Moon has been highly customized, especially the four colors, which are designed with the images of folding fans, ginkgo leaves, peach blossoms and butterflies. The outline of the picture still shows the shapes of spades, hearts, plum blossoms and diamonds, which also makes up for the regret that the V1 version cannot recognize the four colors. There are 12 human head cards, divided into three categories: J, Q, and K, representing the Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, and Ming Dynasty. The characters of each dynasty wear the clothes of the corresponding era. For example, the clothes of the Tang Dynasty were mainly chest-length glutinous skirts. The clothes of the Song Dynasty inherited the Tang Dynasty system, but the style changed, and the jacket was born. The clothes of the Ming Dynasty were more gorgeous, and the collar changed from a double-breasted collar to a stand-up collar.



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