Zur Produktinformation


Read their mind, predict their actions and reveal how you influenced them!

"Flip Out is the ultimate packet trick. It is innovative and will last a lifetime."

Includes props that will last a lifetime, pocket sized protector case & full HD video instructions.

Begin by placing a prediction on the table along with a cash wager; 'will you pick heads or tails'...

Your participant flips an imaginary coin in the air and they take a peek to see if it landed on heads or tails.. they are the only person to know what is has landed on!

Somehow, you are able to tell your spectator with absolute certainty if the coin landed on heads or tails. Then you reveal your prediction to show that you knew what they would flip BEFORE they made their decision.

You finish by distorting everybodies memory. When they look back at a written message it was never a question, it was a statement that influenced the entire outcome.

...And then your cash wager is opened up and it reveals exactly what they flipped again!

Comes with props that will fit in your pocket, your wallet or an envelope.

Ideal for professional & social environments, online, shows, close up and in a casual setting. It is so much fun to perform.

Zero Preparation needed and this effect does not even need to reset, it is that good!

Flip Out can be performed with a borrowed coin rather than an imaginary coin.

ZERO preparation is needed and this effect does not even need to reset, it is that good!

New methodology for the modern performer.



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  • pauschal Fr. 7.50
  • Ab Fr. 45.– Warenwert, Fr. 4.50
  • Ab Fr. 100.– Warenwert, kostenlos

(Kleinmengenzuschlag wenn Warenwert unter Fr. 7.50)

Priority-Versand (1-2 Werktage)

  • pauschal Fr. 9.50
  • Ab Fr. 100.– Warenwert kostenlos

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