Zur Produktinformation


In this project, Dan Alex enclosed two of his belongings that he carries in street-magic and sometimes even in his personal shows.

Got Name
-The mentalist gives to the spectator a business card and asks him to write a name of any person he knows, male or female. As soon as he has finished the mentalist asks him to fold it into four and place it on the table. The mentalist moves the business card folded into a remote corner of the table away from his eyes, and takes from his pocket another business card and writes without thinking of a name at random, folds it and puts it in her pocket, and he has second thoughts and shows the viewer what he had written. Obviously it will be a name that has nothing to do with the viewer, then it focuses and corrects the thought. The name matches that of the spectator.

He Knows Your Choice
-The mentalist is faced with two or more viewers. He asks one of them to move and does not see anything of what he will do. So the spectator is put aside, and the mentalist ask another spectator to take any card. The mentalist will put it in the middle of the deck, and then displays the first card and asks if it is the chosen card, of course, the spectator will say no, and at this point the mentalist shows the card to the spectator who has not seen anything at all the whole time, and asks him to name the card he sees. The spectator will appoint the card the other spectator had previously chosen. Incredulously ask you to review the card, but it will be another and will be confused. You could add this to your repertoire.


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