Zur Produktinformation


DIPSY 2.0! A torn and restored effect using a signed, borrowed bill.

"I have seen quite a lot of bill tricks, but this one is gonna be in my repertoire. I love the Idea."
- Parlin Lay -- the Creator of SIGHTLESS

"I've created an effect like this, and this looks better than mine! That's because it can be worked with a free hand."
- Arie Bhojez -- the Creator of KILL BILL presented by Dan Harlan

"It's a very cool effect, great for to do anytime and anywhere."
- Robert Bertrance the Creator of TEMBUS present by Matthew Johnson

The magician asks the spectator to borrow their money and to sign the face of the bill. The magician then rips the bill in half and asks the spectator to look closely at the money. When the spectator is ready, with a free hand, the magician then restores the bill.

Here we have three methods to restore the bill:

FREE HAND RESTORED - You can restore the bill slowly with your hand.

JUMPER RESTORED - You can restore the bill with a fast motion, throwing the piece of money, like a flash.

SPECTATOR RESTORED - You can ask the spectator to restore the bill right in their own hands.

- It looks perfect
- Very easy to do
- NO SWITCH -- the money can be checked by the spectator anytime
- Great for street and close-up magic
- Can be done anytime


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