Zur Produktinformation


"The trick that makes all the women go...Ahhh. The best part is the magic is great too."
-Stephen Bargatze

"If you're looking to catch cooties, you need to see Jason Michaels!"
-Steve Beam

Jason Michaels Presents...
Cootie Catcher Magic

Magic Tricks with the Cootie Catcher

Known around the world as a fun item that little girls fold out of a piece of paper and play with as children, the" Cootie Catcher" or "Fortune Teller" is recognizable to kids six years old as well as elderly adults. With "Cootie Catcher Magic", you'll see their eyes light up as you perform magic that utilizes this fun and nostalgic prop.

The Fortune Teller (close-up and stage versions) - Both kids and adults love it!
Lie Detector - Tell two different people if they are lying or telling the truth as well as which card they selected!
Halloween Cootie Catcher - A themed version of the cootie catcher for different holidays.
The Pickup Artist - A great way to get a conversation started with a member of the opposite sex!
How Women Make Decisions #1 & #2 - They'll be laughing with this idea from Stephen Bargatze.
Little Victoria's Secret - Need we say more.
The Psychic's Tool Kit - Show how "psychics" learn their craft!
Bonus Trick - A gaffed and non-gaffed version of the cootie catcher for stage performances!

Additional Tricks in the E-book:
Your Favorite Magician - Your audience will tell you how much they love you!
Your Own Super Hero (script only) - something special for comic book fans
Happy Birthday Cootie (script only) - Great for birthday party magicians!
A Gospel Cootie (script only) - Share the Gospel with this version of the Cootie Catcher.

100 minute video with performances and explanations for all of the above
E-book is included in this DOWNLOAD with additional routines and professionally-designed templates


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