Zur Produktinformation


Discern two dice at once and enrich effects on multiple levels.

Mental magic is a fascinating branch, and the audience is always captivated by its mysterious allure. Dice, familiar objects to everyone, play a significant role in this field.

One of the coolest dice magic props, invented by Martin Sunshine in the 1930s, is renowned for its simplicity and clever operation, making it a favorite among mentalists. Additionally, a classic magic effect in children's magic sets involves an audience member placing a die in a container, with the magician shaking it by their ear and accurately guessing the number facing up. Inspired by these two products, we created the Hearken Dice.

To elevate this magic effect, we increased the number of dice to two. Using a clever magic principle and a specially designed wooden box, we achieved the ability to discern the numbers on both dice simultaneously. With the combination of two dice, there are 12 possible sums and a total of 66 combinations, enhancing its versatility for mental magic. The Hearken Dice can be paired with card and number effects or customized using special card sets for a unique magic routine, enriching the magic effects on multiple levels.Beyond its magical properties, we are committed to making the Hearken Dice a beautiful collectible. We chose high-quality ebony wood and inlaid it with yellow boxwood. The 40mm dice maintain a comfortable and clear visual. The wooden box is primarily made of Cambodian Rosewood, finished to resemble Black Ebony.

  • One wooden box
  • One Ebony wood die
  • One Bloodwood die
  • Material: Cambodian Rosewood
  • Color: Ebony Black
  • Dice: 40mm edge length
  • Box: 50x95x50mm
  • Lid: 61x108x16mm
Note: The above measurements are taken manually and may have minor discrepancies, which do not impact the functionality of the product.



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