Zur Produktinformation


Learning Roll Over Aces can convince an audience you have a supernatural level of skill with a deck of cards. Here you'll learn everything-the full handling, thinking, theatrics and presentation that Michael Ammar has been performing for over 25 years. "The Tonight Show," "World's Greatest Magic," "The International Magic Awards" and televised specials around the world give this routine a pedigree unequaled in card magic.

What distinguishes this signature piece is the sculpting of a theatrically sound presentation for maximum impact. Viewers will believe you really can stack all four Royal Flushes in exactly 30 seconds, and they'll cheer as you reveal what you've done. Possibly no other effect in card magic can convey as much to an audience, in as compelling a way, as Derek Dingle's Roll Over Aces.

Super Practice Sessions
These sessions are original to "Classic Renditions," with over-the-shoulder, close-up reviews of the techniques and routines. No more guessing about how something should look, or wondering about the rhythm or timing. These sessions provide the quickest, easiest, and most effective method possible for mastery of this material!

Marked for Life!
John Cornelius-the only American ever to win world magic titles in two different categories-developed one of the most commercial effects with four cards of the last twenty years. Numerous performances on talk shows and televised magic specials have proven the commercial value of this entertaining, yet astonishing routine. Many full-time professionals consider this to be their favorite in-the-hands routine for walk-around performances


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