Zur Produktinformation


Inspired by Ari Soroka's "The Red Carpet" Comedy Mentalism and Mind Reading Routine, as marketed by Jason Palter, this goes way beyond the routine that originally inspired it, and can all be easily made at home for a lot less than.

Although in the performance video on this page, you will see the final Comedy Reveal as being Shrek, in truth this manuscript explains how the end Reveal used by Royle is often Kermit The Frog instead, but also reveals how it can easily be changed to any Famous Name Celebrity.

You see, although the methods and full routine as used by Royle for many years at shows around the world are explained in full, he also explains how this can easily be customised and adapted to fit any theme, target audience, target client and/or specific bookers needs!

Also remember that it is possible to ask each of the 3 Spectators whether or not the page they have chosen genuinely has six different images on it, because in truth it genuinely does have six different images on it.

You can also ask them to confirm that these images are of various different Characters and they will genuinely confirm such to be the case as there are indeed genuinely different characters on the page!

The final volunteer can also be asked to confirm that there were different images on the page that they could have freely chosen from and they will confirm such to be the case because it is 100% True!

This routine uses a combination of methods, skilfully blended together to not only give a mind blowing routine but one which is also highly entertaining and presses the audiences emotional buttons.

Comes with full Performance Rights to Royles Routine & Methods!

You will also be given information on how to learn the other bits you see in the performance video on this page, the bits I do before the Book Test.

There are also links to watch two videos relevant to learning the routine included within the PDF.

Pages: 6 - 8.25" x 11.7" - PDF FORMAT


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