Zur Produktinformation


Comedy Bits and Magic Routines features Harry in his natural environment, in front of a fun-loving audience, demonstrating his favorite magic effects and showing off his encyclopedic supply of one-liners. Along the way, you'll gain insights and learn finesses on tricks you may have resigned to your magic drawer long ago . . . if you can stop laughing long enough.

  • Dream Bag - A flat paper bag magically produces three jumbo crystal flower boxes and three 18" silks.
  • Foursome - Four fanned cards change to totally different cards, front and back.
  • Flying Cards - How about two thought-of cards vanishing from the table and appearing in the spectator's pocket. Unbelievable!
  • Mesh Coin Bag - Two quarters magically appear inside an obviously empty mesh bag. If that's not enough, the two quarters turn into a half dollar, then into a jumbo half
  • Future Mental - Mentalism at its best. A thought-of colored ball vanishes and appears in the magician's pocket. Repeated with no reset.
  • Alligator Coins - Two half-dollars change into two English pennies.
  • Triception - ESP magic where the spectator calls the shots and all predictions come out correctly.
  • Calculator Prediction - You can predict names in phone books, Bibles, or textbooks with a calculator that you have no control over.
  • Golden Key - Move the parts of a key in all directions, then hand it out as it turns into a normal key.
  • Psychic Escape - A visual penetration of a thought-of colored lifesaver disc from a cord.
  • Card in Glass - A selected card is shuffled and left in a glass by the spectator.
    Silk to Flame - From bare hands, you produce a silk, then turn it into fire, only to have it all vanish.
  • X-act Match - A thought-of card is the only card in the deck with an "x" on the back. No force, no roughing fluid, no set-up.
  • Shrinking Die - A normal-sized die diminishes to a tiny die.
  • Wonder Bar - Levitation at its best. A three-inch bar floats in and out of a test tube


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Economy-Versand (2-3 Werktage)

  • pauschal Fr. 7.50
  • Ab Fr. 45.– Warenwert, Fr. 4.50
  • Ab Fr. 100.– Warenwert, kostenlos

(Kleinmengenzuschlag wenn Warenwert unter Fr. 7.50)

Priority-Versand (1-2 Werktage)

  • pauschal Fr. 9.50
  • Ab Fr. 100.– Warenwert kostenlos

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Samstagszustellung (Fr. 14.50): Für Bestellungen,  die vor Freitag, 15:30 Uhr bei uns eintreffen, kann zusätzlich die Option Samstagszustellung gewählt werden, eine Versandoption der Schweizer Post. Die Pakete werden dann am Samstag ausgeliefert! Dieser Dienst ist kostenpflichtig, auch wenn der Warenwert über Fr. 100.– liegt. 

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