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Steve Haynes has tweaked and developed this closely guarded secret for 17 YEARS! Now, it can be yours! The Casanova Concept is an easy to apply principle that will allow you to perform bona-fide miracles with both playing cards and business cards. It's simple and straightforward, requires the minimum of sleight of hand and will go straight into your repertoire. This is NOT a trick; it's a principle that can be applied to hundreds of routines.

Featured on this video:

Stroller Controller - A freely selected card is signed front and back, and then lost in the deck. You cleanly reach into your pocket and withdraw their card, showing that you had it BEFORE they even signed it!

Thru & Through - A signed Card Thru Window with a FACE UP, SIGNED selection!

Rip Trip - A signed business card is torn but miraculously restores itself!

Homing On Easy Street - A signed card disappears from the deck and appears in your pocket. TWICE! This is easy-peasy!

And, Steve Haynes' signature piece - the Casanova Closer...

Your spectator selects two cards and SIGNS them both. One is placed in their own wallet (or pocket). The other is lost in the deck. Within seconds you open your own wallet to reveal the signed selection which was apparently lost in the deck.

As your spectator is still reeling, you offer to repeat the effect. You re-open your wallet (which was empty only moments ago) and slowly withdraw a face-down card. Your spectator's eyes are popping out of their head - 'How did that signed selection get back into your wallet'?

It didn't. It's the OTHER signed card! The one that should have been in the spectators' wallet. And when they look in their pocket they find the first signed card! Then they faint!


NOTE: The Casanova Closer utilises a gimmicked wallet (not supplied). But, this is just one way to employ the Casanova Concept. The video also features a second method using nothing but a deck of cards and an ungimmicked wallet!


"Every ten years or so a paradigm popping concept of pure power filters through into this dimension with the potential to re-shape a chunk of the astonishment landscape. Steve Haynes' "Casanova Closer" is one of those long awaited pieces of strange. If you're doing any effect that involves signed cards moving from here to there, changing places or appearing in impossible locations...you may want to ponder the the possibility of super charging it with Casanova."
- Paul Harris

"It looks great! I can't wait to get my copy."
- Paul Green, Professional Magician

"Very Inventive, Very Creative And Very, Very Clean!"
- Steve Thomas, Professional Magician

"The Casanova concept opens the door for a myriad of effects. It's limitless. When I saw the card through glass, I jumped out of my seat. I couldn't believe my eyes. Rewind. Play. Rewind. Play. Rewind. Play..."
- Aaron Delong, Professional Magician

"Okay, so I want to learn the Casanova Closer NOW! That routine is killer, man! It floored me!"
- Cameron Francis, Professional Magician


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